Periodontal treatments

Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?
Do they bleed while you floss?
Does gum bleed while you eat food?
Does gum bleed spontaneously?
Do u have a bad breath?

Bleeding gums are the most common signs of inflamed gum tissues. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease which is usually painless but if neglected advances to serious gum diseases like periodontitis which involves infection of the supporting structure of tooth including the surrounding bone. This can lead to early loss of teeth and also affects the over all health. It has been proven that gum diseases are directly related to many heart ailments. Therefore timely treatment is of utmost importance.

Professional cleaning also known as Prophylaxis is done to remove tartar or bacterial plaque, and helps restore the health of gums. It is recommended to get a prophylaxis done every 6 months. Periodontal therapy like flap surgeries and bone grafting are a treatment of choice for advanced gum



Healthy gums and bone ensure a strong support for teeth.


Getting regular prophylaxis ensures removal of deposits on teeth and plaque. So say goodbye to bad
breath and get a healthy mouth.